Welcome to Watertown Regional Medical Center. We look forward to making your time here exceptional.
A visit from family and friends plays an important role in a patient’s healing process. We encourage you to see your loved one during his or her time here, however we ask that you respect the following:
• If you have cold symptoms or are feeling ill, please reschedule your visit until you are feeling better.
• When you arrive, check in at the nurse’s station before heading to your friend’s or family member’s room. This will help respect patient privacy and make sure the time is appropriate for your visit.
• Please limit the number of visitors at one time and keep your visit brief. Rest and quiet will help your loved one recover faster.
• Visiting hours are at the discretion of each patient and his or doctor and nursing staff.
For more information about visiting a patient at Watertown Regional Medical Center, please call 920-262-4210. Or, access our Patient Handbook now to learn more.